lives and works in Zürich, Switzerland

08-09/2024 Durdan and Ray Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Los Angeles
09/2024 David Horvitz Garden, Performance, Los Angeles
09/2024 Homestead Museum, Artist Talk, Los Angeles
2024-2025 Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Dezemberausstellung Fokus

from 09/2021 Künstlerische Assistentin - HSLU Design & Kunst in Kunst & Vermittlung
since 2019 Kunstraum REAKTOR, Curating, Zürich, CH
since 2015 Céline Brunko Fotografie und Video
2013-2020 Fotozentrum, Winterthur, Switzerland
2018 - 2020 Master of Arts in Fine Arts at FHNW Basel, Switzerland, Prof. Chus Martínez, Director
2016/17 exchange semester at Universität für angewandte Kunst, Vienna, Austria
2014 - 2017 Bachelor of Arts in photography studies at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), Zürich, Switzerland
1987 born in Zürich, Switzerland

2023 MAK-Schindler-Stipendiat*innenprogramm in den Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles
2021 Arbeitsstipendium Covid19
2020 Bundesamtes für Kultur BAK Kulturfonds
2018/2019 ProHelvetia Nachwuchsförderung Fotografie
2018 ZFF 72, 15. Zürich Film Festival - Jury Award Top10 with Without Guilt
2017 ZHdK-Avina Projektfond
2016 PhotoforumPasquArt, SELECTION / AUSWAHL 2016, CH
2016 Shortlisted for The European Photography Award 2016, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, IT

2023 Kunstkasten x Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur 2023, Oktober - Dezember 2023
2018 SpaceColony - Kunstraum Kreuzlingen, Tiefparterre, May 2018, CH

2023 MAK-Schindler Residency at the Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles, April -September 2023
2023 Ausstellung Kunststipendien Stadt Zürich 2023, Helmhaus Zürich, 14.07.-16.09.2023
2023 Ausstellung Werkschau Kanton Zürich 2023, Haus Konstruktiv Zürich, 27.09.-08.10.2023
2022 I, Artist feat. Gregory Tara Hari & Céline Brunko, Jos Näpflin, Nusser Glazova, Johanna Müller, Jason Rohr; Kunsthalle Winterthur, CH 
2022 Ausstellung «Alpen Traum & Wandlung», Kornhausforum Bern, 09/09/22 — 16/10/22
2021 "Wohin? Künstlerische Investigationen" im Helmhaus Zürich
2021 Kunststipendien Stadt Zürich 2021 im Helmhaus Zürich
2021 PasquArt, Prix Photoforum 2020, CH
2020 Le LABO, Wall Paper – une exposition à distance, CH
2020 I NEVER READ, Schaulager Basel, CH
2020 Artist in Residence, University of Toronto, CA
2020 kaltnadel #Kollektiv Streunender Hund, CH

2019 Regionale 20, FABRIKculture, Hégenheim, Novembre 2019, FR

Plat(t)form 2018, Fotomuseum Winterthur, 27th - 28th of january, CH
SpaceColony - youngART, ZeughausKultur, 17th - 25th of march 2018, Brig, CH
Whatkind..? - Presentation of the Researchproject, supported by ZHdK-Avina Projektfond, Chisinau, MD & Zürich, CH

Whatkind..? - Presentation, City and Cultures with Céline Brunko and Moritz Holenstein, Spazio, MD
SpaceColony - Diploma exhibition ZHdK, 8th -18th of June, Zürich, CH

Fragment - Group exhibition, Whoja Vu Folx!, New Jörg, Vienna, AT
And Still They Move - Group exhibition, SELECTION/AUSWAHL 2016, Photoforum PasquArt, Biel, CH
Charleroi - Glance, Eyes on - Month of Photography 2016, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna, AT
Microcosmos - Screening, re|vision European Experimental Film Festival at MIT, Cambridge, MA, US
Microcosmos - Group exhibition, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, IT
Nostalgia - Term exhibition, Kunstraum ZHdK, CH
Microcosmos - Showroom International, Kaskadenhalle ZHdK, CH
Microcosmos - Group exhibition, Spazio, Chisinau, MD
Zemo Nikozi - Term exhibition, Zemo Nikozi, ZHdK, CH

Refugium - they printed it, Kunsthalle Zürich, CH
Zemo Nikozi - Group exhibtion in the village Zemo Nikozi, GE
Fassaden - Toni im VonRoll, Bern, CH
Charleroi - Grubenstrasse 15, Zürich, CH
AMineInMyMind - Interconnetions 02, Kunstraum ZHdK, CH
AMineInMyMind - Blind Date, Alabama, Sir, Leipzig, DE
AMineInMyMind - Haus Warming HOHLzke, Zürich, CH
AMineInMyMind - Term exhibition, Struggle in Paradise, ZHdK, CH
